Sunday, October 23, 2005


Also been to Westonbirt this weekend to have a look at the nice autumn colours of the japanese maples, lots of incredible colours which made some nice photos, pics are comming soon just need to get the leads for my camera...It was a very nice place and anyone who has time to go this week should definitley try to make a visit, they will last for another week at least. good to get a great autumn garden experince to remember how important it is to think about the all year around experince in our planning..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At xmas westonbirt illuminates all the specimin? trees with washes of idea for all weathers.
kew gardens has a very visitable area of garden which queen victoria gave them, with the proviso that it was left to run rampant.
Do you have a favourite tree.???
Mine is the chilean firetree.
Happy birthday!

10/27/2005 12:38 PM  

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