Sunday, November 13, 2005


Finally group projekt in the printer..Looking forwards to get it presented tomorrow, know its good w group work, learning from eachother and learn to work in group, but 12 people is a big group and it takes a lot of energy..been trying to write dissertation too but find it hard to concentrate. Really like to search for information and read and learn more about something I'm interested in, but when it comes to the writing it's just not as fun, feel v tired every time i try..Been playing a bit w photoshop colours instead on model pics which I'll post here underneath. Oh, also went to Tate Modern this weekend mainly to go to the shop to buy a books (which wasn't there) and saw the entrance hall w the white boxes, saw that someone else posted pictures on their blog about thoose white plastic boxes so I'll skip that, but must say though that it felt like walking around in an architect student model made out of foam board..And that i absolutley love the birch planting outside the museum, v nice lit up when it's dark..


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