Thursday, January 12, 2006

Concept and process

My first impression of hadlow was that it was spread out with no order. The river was also in important feature that was totally neglected and also the land on the other side of the uildings. My first idea was to connect the site through a common theme, bridges that connected over the river and through out the whole site, by doinf this it would also give me more ordern an hierarchy of the circulation. Also by lokking at the sourroinding landscape in aerials i could see the connecting and dividing lines through the farming landscape..
Andrew told me at the last tutorial before chrismas to try to visualize what it is i'm creating, so i sketched, no beatufiful perspectives or selling images, but i realised that that isn't needed for me to understand what i'm doing the important thing was just get it down in 3d and try to understand the spaces that i was creating..Enough babbeling, here are some pics from the book..


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