Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My first project..

Just got my computer back, fixed with all the things left on it, thank good. Been going through my pictures and found some images that was part of my first project i did in sweden..Don't know why I should put the images up here really, for a good laugh maybe? or maybe to see that some progress have been done under these 2 and a half years or just as a bad example..anyways i built green mounds as an entrance, and i guess i must have learnt about the human scale in the next project, but i remember i was very exicited about the project..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emma!

Just wan't you to know that I'm checking out your blog. Nice pictures you're shooting these days! Don't forget Pelle's old advice - "spray every picture with light"! Don't know if that applies to digital though?

Hope to se you in Norrköping this x-mas! Be a good girl and take care!

12/06/2005 8:36 AM  

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