Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Tuesday reflection..

last sketch design handed in yesterday, and it feels good. i had a lot of fun doing this sketch design. Matrix, which was my chosen word, was a fun word to play with and to let my imagination go on. I also noticed that when working on this one I spent the least time on it comparasing to the others, 2 days, one thinking and one doing, but i guess I was thinking about it while working in the beginning of the week. Anyways, the most reaxled one without stress and the one I like the most out of the ones i did so i guess that must mean that I've learnt something..Before this autumn i always found it hard to start a design assignment, i never knew how to start and the little knowledge i had always felt like the biggest mess just spining around in my head..But it feels like the process of getting started and bringing it further is a lot smoother now.

My problem is the printer though or maybe the screen that with it's beautiful colours that seduce me when I'm working..Or maybe it's the settings of the printer at school that I'm not used to because i don't feel that i had this problem before which is that everything comes out so grey, I realized that it look like it's raining on all my posters. So after getting very dissapointed when i saw the colours of my poster coming out of the printer I know that I'll have to give myself some more time and several tries to get it right..and hopefully it will not cost too much and waste to much paper..
Well here underneath are some images from the poster, realised I forgot to scan in some process sketches guess they'll come later..And oh forgot to take pics of my model too..Maybe can do that on fri at school..


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