Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Soon holiday but no break..

Just left a comment on david watson's blog about designing and music which definitley go hand in hand for me especially when I'm at home working by myself. in sweden we always did the work in a design studio where everyone and their desk and the music was always on, i like to have movement and sound around me realised that i easily feel a bit isolated sitting at home working and never leaving the house some days before a deadline is coming or maybe not even the bedroom where i do most of my work, a bit sad really. Now when the holidays are coming there are no long trips out to Eltham which is nice but definitley long hours at home working, realised that hgis break means no hours in school but i defintley have a lot of work to do on myproject...Thank god for that music then otherwise I think I'll go insane..About the alcohol thank god for that to, red wine makes it so much easier to stay up those long hours before a deadline, hopefully i don't have to re-do this year because i don't know what alcohol units a week more deadlines like this would take me up to..


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