Thursday, February 16, 2006

process, progress??

Last week David Watson discussed the purpose of the blog with us in our advanced presentation class since there had been some problem with this article, myself i don't mind it all, after all it's allready on the web...Anyways he was talking about the importance of using the blog to post up work while we where in our process of it and reflect over it and that the blog could be helpful to take a step back, look at it and think about what we're doing, well that's how i understood it. Realised that i have found it very difficult to do that. i don't mind blogging, posting things i like or what i have done but while in the actual process take the time to take pictures and put it up here has seemed very difficult and doing it has just felt time assuming and not reflective at all but i guess it is time to make a change. On the left is part of my process that i showed monday, have been working all week so nothing new have been added but there are some toughts spinning around in my head that needs to get down on paper which I will do tomorrow, so maybe by publishing my process it will help me to reflect over it and more progress will be done, at least i hope so


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