Been thinking a bit about the last week today and realised that work vise it's been a great but busy week. The monday class was very good and I really enjoyed it. I like the short quick assignments and it's very good to get to work in group, since that's how it's going to be at work in the future and it's good to practice to explain your own ideas and thoughts to someone else than just keep them to your self. And i guess that's what I've been doing at work too, getting design assignments, coimng up with ideas, then getting feedback and discussing it and explaining and than continue and together coming up with an a lot better idea than if just one person would have worked on it.
Some of us from the Tonbridge group went on site aswell. Good to get to learn the site and we aslo found some different sites that we could work with. Also been continuing on my dissertation which i'm really enjoying to read about but dread to start to write about. always enjoying the researching of an intereseting subject but it's so difficult to start to write on that blank sheet of paper..Guess i have to start soon though..