Thursday, February 16, 2006
process, progress??
Last week David Watson discussed the purpose of the blog with us in our advanced presentation class since there had been some problem with this article, myself i don't mind it all, after all it's allready on the web...Anyways he was talking about the importance of using the blog to post up work while we where in our process of it and reflect over it and that the blog could be helpful to take a step back, look at it and think about what we're doing, well that's how i understood it. Realised that i have found it very difficult to do that. i don't mind blogging, posting things i like or what i have done but while in the actual process take the time to take pictures and put it up here has seemed very difficult and doing it has just felt time assuming and not reflective at all but i guess it is time to make a change. On the left is part of my process that i showed monday, have been working all week so nothing new have been added but there are some toughts spinning around in my head that needs to get down on paper which I will do tomorrow, so maybe by publishing my process it will help me to reflect over it and more progress will be done, at least i hope so
Monday, February 13, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Friday studying..
Had a very good tutorial with anrdew yesterday, always good to gett feed back and halp to ask the right questions which is very easy to forget or maybe difficult to find the right ones, anyways was very comfused with what i was doing and where i was going with my design and completley stuck so defeenitly got some question marks straightened out and feels like i hipefully can continue the development today, just need to get started tough...
Went to Broadgate with Raina yesterday aswell to get som inspiration and to watch some nice lighting, definitley recomend it, love the lights on the square and the playfullness it has combined with its formal layout
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A little problem
Been trying to post images of my work for three days now and still not working, just tried to post a random jpg of a tulip downloaded from google which also was a jpg and the same size as my jpg's and it worked without a problem but still can't post my images, all that comes up is error during loading of image, has anyone had similar problems and know what to do? So here is my tulip instead of masterplan and buisness cards...
Sunday, February 05, 2006
uploading images sucks..
Third try today and I'm giving up, am i the only one still having problems with the image server. the images are 72 pixlars, 8x4 cm and 48k but still don't wanna get up there..So annoyed what's the point if it doesn't work...Sorry David, have had a weeks design proces on my buisness card, have had about 20 alternatives but think i come up with one i really like, a lot nore simple than any of the first tries was gonna put them up to maybe get some comments or at least show my process as well as my masterplan and detail stuff, but oh well, monday tomorrow and a long day but if there's energy left i'll try tomorrow night again..
Some ideas, please!!
Been looking trough a lot of the blogs and realised I have some blogging to catch up on. very impressed by the amount of materail,ideas and reflections that was on there. I realised that i have a problem to blog during my process, i get so caught up in it that sitting down, sort out images and posting them up feels like a vaste of time while i could be working on it instead, but maybe it's good mybe it will help me to reflect a bit more, will try harder for this part of the project, promise..
I have chosen my area, done 1 survey and 2 analysis sheets today and feel a bit more of what might be going on in my design. Panicked a bit last week when i felt that i didn't had a clue of what was going on or what it could look like. Feel a bit better after visited the site and definitley after analysing my design, it made me realised that a lot is going to change things like changes in levels i never notised and crusial distanses, and hopefully it will make the designing easier.
Still tough, what am I going to do??? Been thinking about concepts, think i need a strong theme to work with otherwise I'll be completley lost, my masterplan was based on a grid structure and I guess I could develop a grid structure in detail to bring that theme with me but combine it something elses, refelctive maybe? Hm, been thinking about playing with the facades of the buildings since i have a few in my design, glass, green walls, reflective glass, I don't know yet but I think I'll have alot to think about next week designing three options...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
time to start again
Feels like I've been in a haze sinece the hand in of the masterplan, was really in need of catching up on some sleep and definitley needed a break from staring at my work. So I've been working on other things than school and resting to get some energy and inspiration to continue with the project. Feels a lot better after this break and I think spring can be fun if I don't drop dead of exaushment, will defintiley try not to, altough I realsied that weekends don't exist anymore until the middle of may..spent the day at Hadlow yesterday for surveying and analysis and realised that there was level changes on my site that i hadn't considered in the design of my masterplan and I got the feeling that my site will change a lot..Feels kind of good to start again tough but must admit that I'm looking forwards to catch up on some sleep and rest in may never knew life could be this hard..