Lots of things going on last week, so much that I never even had time to up date my blog..Well promise to dedicate some more time this week instead..
Last week was mainly about the groupwork for Tonbridge that will be presented next week, and the weekend was spent doing the 3rd sketch design. It was a very fun sketch design and for the first time starting off doing some designwork i didn't panic. always find it very easy to completley forget everything i know about landscape design for the first hour or so and panic a bit when starting an assignment but i think something from the previous monday classes must have given me something. Keywords and anaylze it in to parts and find the structure must be the words. Started off sketching the first model and playing around with keywords, minimize them to only three, making new model and finding my koncept for duality. Wanted something abstract and after thought about heaven anad hell, love and war i settled aon Christianity and Islam which I found very interesting to explore. Mostly looked up art and history for the two parts to be the main structure for my garden..
The crits on monday was v useful as always, but v long..I'm happe I got to present in the beginning can't have been easy for tha last presentations..I was happy with my critic and agree with what Jamie and Andrew said. I know I have a problem with getting life into my perspectives, especially this time when the colours went totalt wrong..Need to spend more time on them and practice, just don't know when feels like there are a lot of other thigs to do and improve too, well will try something different for next time, Well anyways, here are some pictures of models, conceptual approach, and sketch work.